Conservative Republican Amnesia

If you ask the “conservative” talking heads–Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, etc.–who THE best conservative president of the last 100 years was, they will say Ronald Reagan. If you ask their dogs, they will bark “Ronald Reagan.” Their gerbils will say other things, but everyone knows you can’t trust rodents. Ask the regular conservative Wanda and Mack (Jane and Joe

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The Rocket Science of Overspending

In July, I blogged some spending 101 for Congress and the President, including contigency planning for alien invasions.  I thought I made some good points.  However, through the whole spending debate that occured this last spring nobody in the media or elsewhere was able to make clear what is going on with the US government. Nobody except Dave Ramsey. He

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Some 101 for Congress and the President

It’s not really rocket science. If you have loans outstanding and the payment is due, you owe the creditors a payment. Payables for Idiots 101. If you have received goods and services, then you owe your vendors a payment. Payables for Idiots 102. You pay your bills. End of story. That’s what grown ups do.

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