8 Responses to Waiting . . .

  1. Shane says:

    It will be worth the wait.

  2. John Brown says:

    Only if we all don’t die first.

  3. Jared says:

    UGH! Why are the oxen so SLOW?!?!?! Come on, oxen!

  4. John Brown says:


  5. Russell Gillette says:

    I figure I’ll throw my own verbal support 🙂 That makes at least three of us steadily supporting you 🙂

  6. John Brown says:

    Thanks, Russell!

  7. Bryce Dayton says:

    The best part about reading fantasy is that there are lots of books to keep me busy while I wait for the ones I truly love 🙂

  8. John Brown says:

    Have I already officially made you a Dreadman, Bryce? Thanks for the love.