John guest posts about writing memorable fiction on ReidWrite

Luc Reid is the author of, among other things, Talk the Talk: The Slang of 65 American Subcultures.  He is also the lizard king of Codex, which he started and of which I’m so happy to be a member. He’s always starting provocative threads on Codex, making us all think and reexamine the principles of story and the whole writing business. He

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John guests on Writing Excuses season 3 episode 16

A while ago the Writing Excuses team asked me to record with them, and last Friday I got to do it and had a blast. We recorded three episodes. In the first podcast we talk about putting and not putting ourselves in our writing and making characters who don’t all sound like the author. As usual,

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How many copies do average authors sell?

I posted earlier about the sales number for best-selling authors. What about the average author? Here’s Patrick Nielsen Hayden, an editor at Tor Books, in an interview on about the future effects of e-text on publishing: io9: Does it make a difference to you if an author has an online reputation? Does that go into

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In writing, profanity is a tool, but not the only tool

In this week’s Writing Excuses comments, a poster named Sam asked: How do you, as writers, get past your own inhibitions concerning the use of profanity in order to write a character who does use it? Why get past them? Any given audience has values (as do you as a writer). Stomp on the values

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How to tell an author you don’t like their book

Mette Harrison wrote a blog about how various authors respond when they read a book, don’t like it, and then the book’s author asks them directly what they thought of the book.  Here’s my response. As an author when I ask someone, especially another author, about their experience with my story, I’m looking for a data

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