Final Cover for Servant of a Dark God


They moved the David Drake blurb to the side, lightened the lettering and moved things so the title wasn’t covering the top of Hunger’s head. At first I thought they moved the lettering, but they didn’t. It appears the shrunk Hunger a bit so we could see more of him. Small changes, but I think they make a significant effect. I think the overall effect is better. I like how Hunger looks more menacing in this one. Sugar is different. Don’t know which version of her I like better. I’m leaning to the original. Your thoughts? Either way, we luvs Tor’s art and production department. Here’s the before and after.


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6 Responses to Final Cover for Servant of a Dark God

  1. Jesslyn says:

    Thanks for the book sample! Really looking forward to it and I may come by my local book signing once I figure if there is any ‘real’ way to get an esignature for my ereader. Any word on whether it will be made available as an ebook?


  2. John Brown says:


    Not sure. I’ll check into it and let you know. Glad to hear the sample worked for you.

  3. John Brown says:

    This from my editor on the availability of an e-text version: “It ought to be made available at the same time that the book is available, if not very, very soon thereafter.”


  4. Mark H Bryant says:

    My step daughter is graduating from Bountiful High School in 2012 and is running for class officer this year. She would like to suggest you as a possible speaker for her Baccalaureate “party”. She needs a phone number. I have looked everywhere . . . may we get one from you please?

  5. Matthew Evans says:

    I adore the book and love the way you write. I can’t wait for more.

  6. John Brown says:


    Thanks a bunch for the encouragement. So glad to hear you enjoy it.