If you love funny, feel-good movies, today’s you’re lucky day.
Because I’m going to tell you about one that will help brighten your Christmas season.
The movie is The Man Who Invented Christmas.

It’s about Charles Dickens, the author of A Christmas Carol.
Now some of you might already be groaning. Please, no, not another story about Scrooge.
I felt the same way. I haven’t enjoyed a movie about Scrooge for a long time. No, not even the one featuring Scrooge McDuck.
So I didn’t want to watch this, but I kept hearing so many good reviews, I finally caved and gave it a shot. I’m so happy I did.
This delightful movie reinvigorates the story with a whole new twist because it’s not about Scrooge. Not directly.
Instead, it’s about Charles Dickens. It’s 1843 and Dickens is suffering financial hardship because his last three books bombed in the marketplace. He determines to write a new book and publish it himself to restore his finances. That book is A Christmas Carol.
Dickens needs to finish it in six weeks so it can be ready for Christmas. That’s difficult enough, but will anyone read it? His friends and publishers keep telling him that the book will be a failure because, at the time, many thought Christmas irrelevant and didn’t celebrate it. Furthermore, the story isn’t developing as it should.
Now the movie does take some dramatic license, but, by the end, I think you’ll agree the message of Scrooge is never more poignant. I watched the final scene with Scrooge multiple times and thought about it for days afterwards.
If you want to laugh, be inspired, and feel the spirit of Christmas, I think you’ll love this movie.