LTUE schedule

Life, The Universe, & Everything is an awesome writer’s and science fiction & fantasy conference. This year’s will run Thursday, Feb 13th through Saturday, Feb 14th and is going to be packed. There will be presentations and panels with Orson Scott Card, Brandon Sanderson, LE Modesitt, Jessica Day George, Lisa Mangum, Larry Correia, and dozens of others.

For those who missed my presentations at LDStorymakers last year, this is your chance to see them.

VIVID & CLEAR (Friday at 7:00 PM)
Despite the often repeated 11th commandment for writers—show, don’t tell—writers NEVER show. They can’t. It’s all tell, tell, tell. The trick is to tell in a way that helps your readers imagine with such vividness and clarity that your story triggers an emotional response. In this hour we’ll explore a number of simple but powerful prose techniques that help you do just that.

STORY TURNS (Saturday at 9:00 AM)
Story turns–cliffhangers, rugpulls, plot twists, reversals, surprises, revelations (and more)–are a core part of an exciting plot, pacing control, and making a reader want to turn the page. In this workshop we’ll explore the main types of story turns and how they work so you can use them in your writing.

I’ll also be participating in the RULES FOR WRITING MAGIC panel (Friday at 5:00 PM).

For more details about all the wonderful panels and guests, go here:

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2 Responses to LTUE schedule

  1. 'nother Mike says:

    Videos (or some other recording media?) at 11?


  2. John Brown says:


    That would be awesome. The problem is I don’t have the equipment. And am so busy finishing up Curse that I don’t dare divert myself.

    Author S. James Nelson, who wrote Van Bender, recorded all of the previous ones but I’m sure the man is busy with his books. I really wish I had a good answer for you on this one.

    If there is anyone reading this who would like to record, please contact me 🙂 I’m sure I can swing some goodie your way.