SERVANT in Raley’s grocery in California

It’s official. SERVANT is in grocery stores outside of Utah. Saber2gecko saw and purchased a copy in a Raley’s grocery in the San Francisco Bay area then very thoughtfully posted that fact here. That chain has 144 stores. So not only is that great news for the book, but it also just plain rocks. I lived in that area for a few years.  I love it down there. To know my book is circulating in the stores I used to shop is cool. Welcome to the Grove, California.

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5 Responses to SERVANT in Raley’s grocery in California

  1. saber2gecko says:

    Oh, just for your personal information John, the book I purchased was a Paperback.

    I also was at a Safeway grocery today, but had no luck in spotting a copy of your book at that particular location. They may either have sold out and not restocked yet, or they may not be carrying it. If I spot it on a return visit, I’ll be sure to report back my findings here. :b

  2. WEKM says:

    I may be off, but I think Raley’s is part of the same parent company that Smith’s is. It would seem that you have a fan up in corporate. Good for you!
    The word spreads.

    I did see it a Barnes & Noble out here in ND, but that is not quite the same thing, I know. ;D

  3. John Brown says:

    Saber2gecko, thanks!

    WEKM, I googled and saw that Kroger purchased some Raley’s in Vegas. But I went out to their site and didn’t see the logo. Then I went to the Raley’s site and didn’t see mention of a Kroger purchase. If this is right, SERVANT is in at least four different chains.

  4. WEKM says:

    Now we just need to get the book into WalMart!

  5. John Brown says:

    Amen to that