Update on CURSE OF A DARK GOD – just finished numba 50

I just finished chapter 50 and am heading into the climax sequence.  I have only 9 chapters left, and they should go fast. Right now I’m at 170,000 words. I’m going to finish a little over my target word length, but I don’t think it’s anything I can’t edit back down. 

In this book, Talen has to deal with the fact that he was fashioned to be a tool.  Sugar gets some kick-butt skills.  There’s a little romance. We also get to meet the woodikin, only mentioned in book one, and their wasp lords, as well as a new character named Harnock, who is a sleth blended by Lumen for battle.  There are other bit characters: a woman who reminds me of the Wife of Bath and a some sleth from the Old World. The Bone Faces come back in force. And you get to find out what happens to Nettle. Lots of great stuff. I really think those who liked Servant of a Dark God are going to enjoy this.

Oh, yeah.  And the Dogmen of Toth, some nasty pieces of work.

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7 Responses to Update on CURSE OF A DARK GOD – just finished numba 50

  1. James says:

    So it will still be a year to two years after you are finished with this first draft before it is offically on shelves, correct?

  2. John Brown says:

    It could be out as early as next summer. Just depends on Tor’s schedule.

  3. L.T. Elliot says:

    Hooray! Oh, Happy Day!

  4. Very cool. I’m looking forward to snapping up a copy ASAP.

  5. LP says:

    That is great news!

  6. Peter Frangel says:

    Man, I can’t wait! Been looking forward to this one since putting the last one down. Good luck!

  7. John Brown says:

    Neither can I, let me tell you.